- International school on fundamental crystallography and electron crystallography
- Scientific Program
- International Program Committee and lecturers
- List of praticipants
- Registration and news
- Lectures
Organized by the Bulgarian Crystallographic
of Optical Materials and Technologies (IOMT) “Academician Jordan Malinovski”
and the
IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography
International Autumn School on
Fundamental and Electron Crystallography (IASFEC)
8-13 October 2017 , Sofia, Bulgaria
Introduction to group theory: symmetry, symmetry
groups, point groups, lattices, unit cells, lattices planes, Miller indices,
forms, zones, zone axes, stereographic projections, metric tensor and
crystallographic calculations, subgroups, group – subgroup relations, change
of basis from group to subgroup,symmetry operations with a glide component,
effect of screw axes, Gjonnes-Moodie lines;
Integral, zonal and
serial diffraction conditions, indexing of ED patterns, calculation and
simulation of SAED pattern for a given compound, reconstruction of the unit
cell from SAED along different zone axes, analysis of CBED pattern,
differences between the symmetry information from SAED and CBED,
determination of point groups and space group from ED patterns, domains,
effect of twinning, twin index, unit cell of the twin lattice, determination
of space groups from ED patterns;
The official language of the Schools is English.
No simultaneous interpretation will provided. However, local tutors will
help the participants during the exercises.
The School will be held in the campus
of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
1113, Bulgaria.
A link for the hotel of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is provided here.
Chair of the Organizing Committee and contact person: Dr. Daniela Karashanova, Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies (IOMT) “Academician Jordan Malinovski”,
Organised by the Bulgarian Crystallographic Association, the IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography and sponsored by the "International Union of Crystallography" and the European Crystallographic Association