Organised by

Bulgarian Crystallographic Society

supported by

The International Union of Crystallography


The European Crystallographic Association

International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement

Introduction to the theoretical background of the Rietveld method and principles of crystal structure refinement from powder diffraction data

Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September - 3 October 2015

October, 2015 - Materials from the School are now available in section Lectures.

A photo gallery from the School is now available here.

A list of participants is now available here.

Registration is now closed!

May 15, 2015 - Deadline for submission of requests from participants who intend to apply for a scholarship from the School covering travel expenses (or part of them, depending of the number of applicants) as well as full board accommodation.

Participants of the School will need to bring personal laptops.

Participants in the School, who want to present their work to their colleagues, will have the opportunity to do so at a special poster session.



  • Start of registration: January 1, 2015  

  •  Deadline for payment: July, 30, 2015

  •  Expected number of participants: approximately 40

School  fee:

School fee of  US$ 65 (school fee)

The school fee includes: welcome party, participation at the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, school materials.

Full board fee (optionally)

Full board  US$ 270

Full board includes accommodation in double-bed rooms, breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Payment information

Bank account  information:

Account owner


Account address

Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography – 107 Acad. G. Bonchev Str. 1113, Sofia, BULGARIA

Account number (IBAN)


Swift code (BIC)


Bank address

Raiffeisen Bank, 12 Tsarigradsko shose, 1113, Sofia, BULGARIA

 Information for School Participants
(Financial Support)

 Deadline for YTF application: 30.04.2015

Attention of the course organizers is drawn to the possibility that participating young scientists (graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 30, exceptionally 35) may apply for financial support through the “Youth Travel Fund” (YTF) to participate in the “International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement", Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September - 3 October 2015.
The financial support is kindly provided by IUCr and ECA.
The YTF grants do not cover the school fee, may only cover some travel expenses(ticket) and/or accomodation expenses (e.g. Full board fee).
YTF grants may be awarded to all participants of the School conforming to all eligibility conditions (for details, see below).


  • Personal data (CV) ;

  • In which country he/she is a student ;

  • Present position / present work / two recent publications if applicable ;

  • Recommendation letter ;

  • Proof of membership in crystallographic organization;

  • Amount of money requested ;

  • Has he/she received a grant from IUCr or ECA  in the past two years .

Please, provide link to your “World Database of Crystallographers profile”. (the registration could be made through )

 The organizer(s) will select appropriate candidates. All financial matters (including the YTF grants) will be handled by the Bulgarian Crystallographic Society (BCS) Treasurer.

 Deadline for YTF application: 30.04.2015

 Announcement for awarded grants: 15.05.2015

 Basic knowledge of diffraction and availlability of personal computer, is essential.


In case of questions, clarifications, problems or assistence plaes email us at:

Prof. Dr. Daniela Kovacheva



Organised by the Bulgarian Crystallographic Association, sponsored by the "International Union of Crystallography" and the European Crystallographic Association



IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement

The Organizing Committee of the International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement (Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September - 3 October 2015) shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.

At this school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.

2012 Symposia