- International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement
- Scientific Program
- International Program Committee and lecturers
- Registration
- News
- Lectures
Organised by
Bulgarian Crystallographic Society
supported by
The International Union of Crystallography
The European Crystallographic Association
International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement
Introduction to the theoretical background of the Rietveld method and principles of crystal structure refinement from powder diffraction data
Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September - 3 October 2015
All participants of the School are invited to present their recent results related to the topic of the School in the Poster session on 29 September 2015.
Scientific program
Morning session (3.5 hours)
Lectures: 9.00- 10.15, 10.45 – 12.00
Coffee break:
Lunch break: 12.00- 13.00
Afternoon session (4.5 hours)
Exercises: 13.00 -18.00
Coffee break: 15.30-16.00
Dinner: 19.00
List of topics to be covered:
Crystal structure and crystal symmetry;
Introduction to powder
Sources of diffraction peak broadening;
Theoretical basis
of the Rietveld method;
Data collection strategies;
Strategy of
structure refinement, Constrains, restrains, rigid body;
applications of Rietveld refinement;
Rietveld quantification;
Structure solution from powder diffraction.
Preliminary program
of the “International school on
Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement”
Sofia 28 September – 3
October 2015
1-st day:
Morning session
9.00-9.05 Opening of the School (Daniela Kovacheva, Chair
of the School)
9.05-10.15 Lecture (Boris Shivachev):
Crystal structure and crystal symmetry (crystal systems, unit cell,
reciprocal space, reciprocal lattice, systematic absences, Wyckoff
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Lecture (Daniela Kovacheva): Introduction to powder
diffraction (Interaction of X-Rays with matter, Bragg equation, relation
between d-distances and unit cell parameters, powder diffraction pattern-
peak positions, peak intensities, background and diffuse scattering)
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
Afternoon session
13.00-18.00 Exercise: Introduction to WinPLOTR, peak
position determination, indexing, unit cell refinement
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
2-nd day:
9.00-11.15 Lecture (Milen Gateshki):
Sources of diffraction peak broadening (sample sources (size, strain,
defects etc.), instrumental sources, analytical functions for peak
description, Kα2 stripping)
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.45-12.00 Poster Session
Lunch break
Afternoon session
Exercise: profile fitting of individual peaks, whole powder pattern fitting
(LeBail and Pawley methods) (FullProf)
Coffee break
3-rd day:
Morning session
9.00 -10.30 Lecture ( Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal): Theoretical
basis of the Rietveld method.
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Lecture (Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal): Data
collection strategies.
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
Afternoon session
13.00-18.00 Exercise:
collection of powder patterns in the powder diffractometers available (IGIC,
IMC, IPC, IG). Refinement of simple strictures. (FullProf)
Coffee break
4-th day:
Morning session
9.00-10.15 Lecture (Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal): Strategy of
structure refinement; Constrains, restrains, rigid body.
Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Lecture (Juan
Rodriguez-Carvajal): Microstructural applications of Rietveld refinement
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
Afternoon session
13.00-18.00 Exercise: refinement of structures implementing
constrains, restrains, rigid body, size and strain models (FullProf)
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
5-th day:
Morning session
9.00-10.15 Lecture (Ognyan Petrov): Rietveld quantification
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Lecture (Michael Evans): Structure solution
from powder diffraction data (charge flipping, simulated annealing, other
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
Afternoon session
13.00-18.00 Exercise: Rietveld quantification, activities
at the request of students
(15.30-16.00 Coffee break)
Morning session
9.00-10.15 Lecture
(Peter Tzvetkov): Review of software available for Rietveld refinement.
10.30 Free program (Vitosha Mountain or Sofia sights)
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Siences, Acad. G. Bontchev srt. Bd. 11, Sofia 1113,
Milen Gateshki,
Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal
(Institute Laue-Langevin, 71
avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble, France,
Ognyan Petrov,
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Siences,
Acad. G. Bontchev srt. Bd. 107, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria),
Michael Evans (Bruker–AXS, Rheinbrückenstraße 49,76187 Karlsruhe, Germany)
Boris Shivachev
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography,
Bulgarian Academy of Siences, Acad. G. Bontchev srt. Bd. 107, Sofia 1113,
Peter Tzvetkov (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Siences, Acad. G. Bontchev srt. Bd. 11, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria)
In case of questions, clarifications, problems or assistence plaes email us at:
Prof. Dr. Daniela Kovacheva didka@svr.igic.bas.bg
Organised by the Bulgarian
Crystallographic Association, sponsored
by the
"International Union of Crystallography" and the
European Crystallographic
IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement
The Organizing Committee of the International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement (Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September - 3 October 2015) shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.
At this school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.